Friday, July 18, 2008

UCSI's Contemporary Recital

Today..18 JULY,2008...i(Andrew) was rushing to school by taking KTM and UCSI bus..just because want to watch my sifu (Chua Kun Pek(Clarence)) play guitar..and the violin is electric 1..white..damn nice lor...don't believe??watch it by urself...haha...

Guitar: Clarence Chua
Drum: Emmanuel Santa Maria Chin (hahaha)
Bass: David Loo??i duno is Lu or Loo la...
Electric Violin: Jonathan
Piano: Forget what name sorry..


sSeong said...
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sSeong said...

Bass:David Lu

(i knw tis random,but i saw tis blog fr yinghui's page,sorry to intrude,but i mean no harm XP)