Oh well..we're desperate for cash now! Very desperate...the way we spend for the past 2 weeks or last month was quite horrible. So, we're desperate to save! The plan is kinda simple actually but I don think we made it this week! Let's start with Monday..
Monday (14/7/08)
Ahh..monday. This is the 1st day of our budget week. We ate...BREAD for lunch! Damn saddd....But for the sake of saving, NO CHOICE! So, Rachel brought hash brown, cheese and jam (orange flavor). Kevin brought strawberry jam. I brought bread and eggs. As for Andrew, he brought his EMPTY STOMACH! =.=" lol! Our stomach was grumbling at tat time but we waited for Rachel to return before we eat. Not for long, those 2 guys no longer can tahan anymore. They went and spend their money! And because them..I spent RM2 just to buy a bread!! ARRRGGHH! And tat was the most I used tat day. (strong TEMPTATION!) Anyway, bread was not enough for the guys..but for the girls! lol..Total up, Kevin spent the most..around RM8+ ; Andrew RM3+ ; me RM2 ; Rachel NOTHING!
Tuesday (15/7/08)
Bread was not enough for the guys...ystd, they were exhausted and HUNGRY! So, the girls had to crack our brains just to think of wat is sufficient and can stop them from spending their money. Somehow, we ate chicken rice for lunch! lol..NOT bread. We went to the opposite road (somewhere near north wing UCSI) to eat chicken rice with...MARIAH aka Kelvin Kuan. Chicken rice seems to be enough for all of us till 5pm. (I have no eye deer whether Kevin spend his money or not). After lunch, we went SHOPPING at Giant! Not shop for clothes but FOODsss!!! We bought Maggie Mee, drinks and MENTOSss! So, total up..Kevin spent RM11.70 (chicken rice+maggie mee+drink+mentos) ; Andrew RM6.70 (maggie mee+drink+3 mentos) ; Rachel RM 18.90 (chicken rice+maggie mee+drink+mentos+jiawen's hutang) ; me RM9.80 (chicken rice+maggie mee+drink+mentos+Andrew's chicken rice)
Our receipt
Andrew got TIRED of walking..
Looking for black shirt for the guys (choir performance)
Wednesday (16/7/08)
We ate MAGGIE MEE for lunch!!!! lol..yea, went around to look for hot water and chopsticks. Aunties from block C and D supplied us some. On Wed, the guys were busy..after lunch they had performance.
They were playing for Beckham aka Khairy.
That 3 songs composed by Beckham were Superhero, Electronic Satan and Maafkan Aku. Wed nth much to elaborate. Total expenditure, Kevin RM2 ; Andrew RM1.70 (obviously is hot dog and the 50sen) ; me RM2 (waffle Andrew paid the 50sen) ; Rachel..NTH AGAIN!!
Thursday (17/7/08)
Today, no maggie mee, no bread. (MAGGIE MEE NEED 3 DAYS TO DIGEST!!) So, we were thinking of wat to eat..wanna get something cheap and full! And we went to MAMAK for roti canai! Kevin ordered roti telur and roti planta, Andrew ordered 2 roti canai, I ordered roti telur, Rachel who went off for Ee Ling ate roti canai ordered by Kevin. Kevin ordered 2 roti canai for her...but she only ate one. So, after lunch we went back to college to wait for Johan. We were supposed to meet him at 2.30pm but ended up meeting him at 3 something. Those 2 guys had a job interview at Yamaha Music center and THEY GOT THE JOB!!! yayyy!! lol! I followed along but Rachel didn't...class wat to do! We went there with Johan, Oscar and Johan's friend (cannot remember his name). I got nth to do there..so went and disturbed Oscar and Johan (end up being bullied by tat two!!) Yea, bout the EXTRA roti canai..we gave it to Johan (donnoe whether he eat it or not). The curry burst and dirtied Andrew's darling, the car!! (YEAAAHH!!) So, Johan n I have to clean Andrew 's car..aannddd, his car smeeelll like CCCCUURRRYYY!!!!! yeah!! (not my car) hahaa..ok. total up, Kevin spent RM ; Andrew RM ; me RM2.70 ; Rachel RM1.80.
Friday (18/7/08)
Morning was fine. Nobody spend their money. Everyone had their breakfast from home. So, can consider not bad la..It started after Recital or CF (christian fellowship). After CF we were rushing for a movie. We watched..JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH!!! That 3D movie really kill us! When Rachel and Kevin told me the price..i was like "WHAT THE HELL??!!" Mind my words but it was really shocking!. The ticket cost RM17 per person! Andrew gave the same reaction toooo! haha...we didn't know bout the price! Before the movie we went n "tapau" McD and it's not cheap. Just the 4 of us..we spent RM39.70! With the movie's price and McD..there goes our budget week. Budget..KONON!! Andrew was complaining..he just got the RM25 from the auntie he taught this morning and GONE in the AFTERNOON!! Total up, RM107.70!!! omigosh!!! We need to try harder.....haizzz!
Andrew enjoying his chicken!
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