Saturday, April 25, 2009


22nd April 2009, Wednesday.

A bunch of music students, including the 4 of us have went through the trouble making phone calls and skype calls to gather 12 peeps to go on a Sunway Lagoon trip.

The peeps that actually made it are...
WenDee, Irene, YingHui, Stephen, Johan, David, Ming, Kenny.

These are the 103 photos that are taken by YingHui's Camera, though there's one missing.
I have no idea which one -_-"

Coming in Jiawen, Kevin, YingHui

Irene, WenDee, YingHui


Walking towards the changing rooms

Outdoor Shower

WenDee with Mascot

Irene =D

Ming with Water Bottle

David blocking the camera



Looking at the map Kevin, Rachel, Johan

Ss-ing Wendee, Irene

Irene, JiaWen, WenDee, YingHui

same peeps..

Ahh.. Still same..

Still ss-ing..


In the Changing Room


Rachel, Irene


Stephen using E-locker

Kenny, Johan

Rachel, David

Wendee, Ming, Irene

and again...

Ming and floats.

the peeps and the floats..

Jiawen, Ying Hui, Irene

Wendee, Johan, Irene, Kenny

and again..

Johan YingHui

4 funny peeps..

Ming breakdancing..

Ming, Johan, Andrew, YingHui

During the spin cup ride..
Wendee, david, Jiawen, rachel, Irene


Kevin Stephen Kenny

On the escalator,
Johan, Andrew, Wendee, Ming

Group Pic xD

On the Roller Coaster..

Lining up for the rollercoaster

Spining ride..

half way..

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