Saturday, June 28, 2008

During one of our free time...

When we're so darn free..
We go jamming xD

This here is Alex.. our World Music Lec

And it's cuz
Andrew's the only one that brought his guitar...
(but ended up Kev playing the whole lot..)
We had to crash Alex's class room for at least until his students come...

Da pretty gal in green (JiaWen)

and other pretty gal (Eunice)

When we're bored again...
change instrumentss !!!

Kev at the drums...

Eunice and Rachel.. =D

JiaWen got camera phobia and Andrew being bored ><

After that....that me...i grab my guitar back, wuakakakkaka....then...jamming with kevin...


Our Lives said...

I like the last pic... looks nice hehehe


Our Lives said...

ahh.. wad to do..
i dun hav high class camera lyk some ppl does xD
